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A Wild Publishing Ride

I've been writing for years and I have a back log of stories that's a mile long. For whatever reason, the publishing world is not always favorable to each and every story written. Often times, we authors have to play a game that requires us to be tortured. AND since we want to see our stories available to all, we deal with the anguish.

I've been dealing with the roller coaster of traditional publishing for years now. While I'm not giving up, I am changing directions and seeking new publishing avenues. Including a new publisher. I'm also considering self publishing options for some stories I'm ready to get out sooner rather than later.

With time being limited , I've tried to find balance with family and writing. It hasn't been easy. I'm working hard to get the second book in the House of Elysian series published, as well as, several other stories I've written. The trend has changed and paranormal is not as hot as it once was, which is my favorite genre to write. This is where the self-publishing option comes into play.

Keep your eyes open for new books releasing soon.

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